Thursday, October 1, 2009

With their Eyes (end)/The Lovely Bones (chapter 1)

Yay, I finished a book!!! With their Eyes, there are so many words that I can say to describe that book. But there is one that really stands out, inspire. That book touched me in so many ways; I literally laughed, cried, smiled, felt a pit in my stomach, everything. The kids who spoke those words made me feel like I could actually be there and feel what they felt 8 years ago--despite the fact I was 8 years old when the towers collapsed. When reading it, I don't know if this is strange or not, but it really bothered me when people came up and told me their "problems" because these people and students went through so much more than that. Like, when people say "Oh, you're all stuck in your little bubble called Ardsley", like we don't know any better in the "outside world". That's completely false, especially reading this book--it opened me up to real problems, like unable to live in your own home because it was destroyed by the soot from the buildings, or unable to go to your own school, it's really breathtaking and allows you to step back and just look, with your eyes instead of theirs.
The new book called The Lovely Bones, by Alice Sebold, I haven't got very far but it starts out with fourteen year old Susie Salmon, where it begins as she is telling us about her memorial service when she died..creepy!! However, it goes in to exactly the night when she dies. She comes off as a nice, innocent and obedient child (how cliche), taking a shortcut on the way home from school and spotting Mr. Harvey, a old man who lives in their neighborhood. He asks her to come inside because it is snowing--but instead of bringing her into a house, he brings her into a "cave" type of hideout. She continues to go back and forth with before she died memories, and back to the hole in where she died. That's pretty much where I got up to, but I can easily predict that he rapes her no question. However, how he kills her, that's the question I really want answered!

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